About this page

My name is Miguel and I dedicate myself professionally to SEO, SEM and digital analytics for so long that Chrome doesn’t erase cookies from the beginning.

On this page you will find your own content, but also a small library of content that I have been locating over time and that I think can be useful.

I will also publish over time a small work on the evolution of the Google algorithm. With a little luck, when you get to this page, you can see it HERE.

I hope you find the page useful. I have worked for many years in the field of SEO and, at this time, I have made more than one page of contentious interest. Probably everyone who has worked in SEO, especially if you have been in this world for a couple of years, has contributed to the fact that the Internet is not always the reliable source of information that we all would like it to be or, at least, not the most important source of information. 

This page also tries to compensate for these things. I hope to make it a reliable and practical source of information for those interested in these fields.